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COMPETITION DATES: 2025 dates will be posted mid-September.  The state event is typically March or April.
REGISTRATION DATES:  2025 Opens After Regional Meetings.  Students compete regionally before states

Registering for the NCSAS State Competition

Your District Director will let you know if you have qualified for the State competition and will provide you with a password for registration.  NCSSM Durham students register directly for the state event.

Registration has now closed for finalists. Regional events may be in-person or regional.  The state event is tentative to be in-person in 2024.

NOTE:  NCSSM now has two campuses in North Carolina.  This event takes place at the Durham campus.  Students that place regionally must register by March 10.

State registration opens February 26 and closes March 10.  Registration fee is $30 per student; $13 per chaperone or observer.  


Registration is CLOSED

First, make sure that you meet the Project Guidelines.


Then, Register through the link above. 


Before submitting, please read the following:


  • The following is applicable only when the meeting is in person - (While at the meeting, the chaperones are responsible for the safety and conduct of the students under their care. NCSAS cannot assume any liability for persons attending this meeting. The cost of the registration includes a box dinner.) 


  • In submitting the registration form, students and teachers/chaperones acknowledge that they have read the guidelines for the Advanced Category and certify that to the best of their knowledge, this paper either does or does not meet any of the criteria which would place it in the Advanced category.


  • You must include a completed Animal Use Form if you use animals in your research.


  • Students who participate in an NCSAS District or State Competition automatically become members of NCSAS.

2024 Schedule (finalized)

We are excited to have 180  students presenting, 70 STEM judges to watch, along with another 100+ chaperones and guests.

A few notes to prepare for Friday!

The event starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m.

  • Arrive between 1:30  and 3 p.m.  Our programming starts at 3 p.m., with an overview of presenting starting at 3 p.m.

  • Getting Here. Extra Time to Park.  Some visitors will have to park off-campus in neighborhoods, west of Maryland Ave or along 9th Street. is closest to ETC Lobby.  Do not block driveways as the city will tow the vehicle.  Leave an extra 10-20 minutes to park

  • Getting Here: Pick the Correct NCSSM!  Our main entrance is 1912 West Club Blvd, DURHAM. this will put you closest to our entrance.  Make sure you choose DURHAM in your Mapping App.  NCSSM has two campuses!

  • Register in ETC Lobby.  This is next to our main entrance. See our visitor's map.

  • Bring a Reusable Water Bottle. We will have limited bottled water available and packaged snacks.  We do not eat until 7 p.m.  Dinner is included. 

  • Dinner Seating.  Food is served in one location but Parents/Observers sit separately; students eat with their judge either in the cafeteria, or the judging rooms by the cafeteria.

  • Presentation Categories.   Unlike the Science and Engineering Fair or other competitions, there is no national competition. Presentation categories simply help us organize students and often presentations cross disciplines.  We cannot move people between rooms.

  • Power Point/Google Slide Presentation ready.  Bring a laptop with the presentation ready (if possible), have it on a flash drive, or in a format you can email someone from your phone.  Presentations are 10 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.   It's fastest to email a presentation web link to someone in the classroom connected to the monitor.   We have an open wifi network for the event.

  • Dress.  There is no dress requirement for presenters. Most professional STEM conferences are business casual though some students choose to be more formal.

  • Relax.  Our judges are excited to learn from you, ask questions, and provide guidance, and get to know your interests! 

See You Soon

NCSSM Extended Learning Team

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