Annual Meeting and Competition
The 2008 NC Student Academy of Science Annual Meeting and State Competitions was held on Friday, March 14th. The keynote presentation was by Dr. Mary Schweizer, Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, NC State University, and NC Museum of Natural Sciences. Her presentation dealt with her paleontological discoveries on the phylogentic relationships and probable life history characteristics of dinosaurs.
There were approximately 170 middle school and high school student participants. They made 150 presentations describing the results of their scientific investigations. First place in each category was awarded a handsome plaque from Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society, a CD on how to prepare a poster for a science competition, and an invitation to participate in a poster presentation and recognition event at the NC Academy of Science meeting, UNC-Greensboro, on March 29, 2008. Second place winners received a trophy and a gift subscription to a science magazine. Third place winners received a trophy and a science book. All students received a the new conference tee shirt, designed by Mr. Juan Scivally, Art Instructor at NCSSM.
The competition was judged by approximately 50 professionals from state agencies, educational institutions, and businesses in the Triangle. Students were given the chance to meet with the judges over dinner after the competition to get additional feedback about their projects and learn about the science interests of the judges. In addition to the category awards, the following students were awarded expense-paid trips to Chicago for the 2009 American Junior Academy of Science and American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings: Amy Kim, Eric Li, Camille McGirt, Shivani Sud and Charnelle Wilson. Named as alternates for this award were Nancy Yang (1st alternate), Eve Savage (2nd alternate), Amanda Reams (3rd alternate) and Austin Garrido and Jialiya Huang (4th alternates). Bradley Howard was nominated to receive the annual $1,000.00 Charles Lytle College Scholarship. Two teachers were recognized with NCSAS Teacher Recognition Awards, Heather Turano of Metrolina Scholars Academy and Sue Purser of D.H. Conley High School. Finally, a Special Recognition Award for Contributions to Student Scientific Research was given to Dr. Rochelle Schwartz-Bloom and Dr. Suzanne Sikes of Duke University.
Several students were nominated for officer positions at the meeting. The election will be by email ballot and the results announced later.