NC Student Academy of Science
Sharing Science the Way Scientists Do
The North Carolina Student Academy of Science is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering interaction between high school and middle school student researchers and scientists. We are an affiliate of the American Junior Academy of Science and NC Academy of Science.
2024 State Competition Participants and Place Winners are available.
2025 District Competition Dates Vary. State Event will be split this year.
District 1-4 (Durham and east) in Durham March 28;
District 5-8 (Chapel Hill and West) in Morganton, NC April 25.

About Us
The North Carolina Student Academy of Science (NCSAS) is an organization for students in grades 6-12 in alliance with the North Carolina Academy of Science (NCAS). Our research sharing events (or research competition) allow spaces for students to share research, just like professionals share.
NCSAS objectives are:
promoting the study of science, technology, and mathematics.
assisting students to pursue careers in science and technology.
encouraging students to use their talents for the improvement of themselves, their schools, and their communities.
Each year, NCSAS holds District and State competitions at which students have the opportunity to share their research. In March of each year, the state competition is held at the North Carolina School of Science and Math in Durham. See our FAQ on what types of projects you can share.
The NCSAS is made up of nine districts state-wide with eight of them being geographical and the ninth being the North Carolina School of Science and Math which enrolls students from all over the state. Contact information for District Directors is listed under the Competitions page. For more details regarding NCSAS and information about the district and state competition procedures, please see the NCSAS Handbook.

What We Do
The NCSAS fosters interaction between student researchers and scientists. It's a place to share student research projects.
Research Project Competition
The NCSAS competition is distinctive in requiring both a paper and an oral presentation and providing an opportunity for students to receive constructive feedback from the research scientists who judged their projects. In addition, we offer mini-grants to student researchers to encourage their efforts.
Club Service Project Competition
Competition includes science-related work performed by clubs which aids the club, schools, or community. This competition is intended to promote community involvement among students interested in science. Club projects are important as they promote visible improvements, develop favorable local publicity and support, and provide encouragement and involvement of students.
District vs. State
Middle and high school students compete at the District level where they may win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place ribbons in their category and may qualify for the State level competition. The State level competition takes place at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. In addition to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals, the most outstanding high school students are awarded a subsidized trip to the American Association for the Advancement of Science /American Junior Academy of Science (AAAS/AJAS) annual meeting (the trip is generously subsidized by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund).
If you have a project that you'd like to submit, please register for your District Competition!

2023 American Junior Academy of Science delegates at the AAAS Conference opening session with 1000s of international scientists at the Washington DC Convention Center.
National Affiliation
The North Carolina Student Academy of Science is part of the collegiate North Carolina Academy of Science, and an affiliate of the American Junior Academy of Science---which connects academies in other states. Each year high school winners from each state come together for the national meeting of the AJAS which is held in conjunction with the International Professional Science conference, AAAS--American Association for the Advancement of Science.
In 2023 winners traveled to the National conference in Washington D.C; in 2024 winners to Denver, CO and in 2025 to Boston. Part of the trip costs are subsidized by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, NCSSM Extended Learning, and NCSSM Foundation. Winners have also presented posters at the state NCAS meeting.

Some of the 2023 American Junior Academy of Science delegates and NCSSM staff at George Washington University for breakfast with a scientist.

“Follow the evidence wherever it leads, and question everything.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Chris Thomas (he/him), Director
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
1219 Broad Street | Durham, NC 27715
(919) 416-2747 | thomas@ncssm.edu